Framework7 Plugins API
Framework7 comes with simple plugins/extensions API that allows you to create your own Framework7 plugins and extensions.
It is based on expandable Classes. Every JavaScript class (component) that is used in Framework7 is expandable.
Plugin Structure
First of all let's look at the basic plugin's JS structure. It is basically an object:
var myPlugin = {
// Module Name
name: 'demo-module',
/* Install callback
It will be executed right after component is installed
Context of this callback points to Class where it was installed
install() {
const Class = this;
/* Create callback
It will be executed in the very beginning of class initilization (when we create new instance of the class)
create(instance) {
console.log('init', instance);
Object with default class/plugin parameters
params: {
myPlugin: {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3,
/* proto object extends Class prototype */
proto: {
demo() {
return 'demo-module-proto-method';
demoStatic: 'demo-module-proto-static',
// Extend Class with static props and methods, e.g. Class.myMethod
static: {
demo() {
return 'demo-module-class-method';
demoStatic: 'demo-module-class-static',
/* Initialized instance Props & Methods */
instance: {
demoProp: true,
demoMethod() {
return 'demo-method';
/* Event handlers */
on: {
demoEvent(a, b) {
console.log('demo-event', a, b);
/* Handle clicks */
clicks: {
// prop name means CSS selector of element to add click handler
'p': function ($clickedEl, data) {
// $clickedEl: Dom7 instance of clicked element
// data: element data set (data- attributes)
Install Plugin
After we have our plugin, we need to install it on required Class. To install plugin we must call `.use()` method on class. For example, if this is an common Framework7 plugin:
Plugin must be installed before class initialization (before calling new Framework7()
Demo Plugin
Let's create simple Debug demo plugin. It will do nothing, just log some events:
/* framework7.debug.js */
var debugEnabled = false;
window.debugPlugin = {
name: 'debugger',
// extend app params with debugger params
params: {
debugger: false,
create: function () {
var app = this;
// extend app methods with debugger methods when app instance just created
app.debugger = {
enable: function () {
debugEnabled = true;
disable: function () {
debugEnabled = false;
on: {
init: function () {
var app = this;
if (app.params.debugger) debugEnabled = true;
if(debugEnabled) console.log('app init');
pageBeforeIn: function (page) {
if(debugEnabled) console.log('pageBeforeIn', page);
pageAfterIn: function (page) {
if(debugEnabled) console.log('pageAfterIn', page);
pageBeforeOut: function (page) {
if(debugEnabled) console.log('pageBeforeOut', page);
pageAfterOut: function (page) {
if(debugEnabled) console.log('pageAfterOut', page);
pageInit: function (page) {
if(debugEnabled) console.log('pageInit', page);
pageBeforeRemove: function (page) {
if(debugEnabled) console.log('pageBeforeRemove', page);
We need to include it to app:
<script src="path/to/framework7.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/framework7.debug.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/myapp.js"></script>
/* myapp.js */
// install plugin first
// init app
var app = new Framework7({
//enable debugger
debugger: true,
we can later disable it by calling